Thursday, May 30, 2013

Something New...

Spring is finally here and now summer is almost upon us.  And with all these plants beginning to pop up and grow, something new is popping up too.  Soon, I will be selling some patterns on Etsy.  But don't worry.  I will continue to put free patterns on here as well.

Here are some of the things I will eventually put on Etsy:


This beautiful barn owl is the biggest stuffed animal I've crocheted so far.  I made him with his wings out, unlike my other barn owl.  I'm not going to sell the pattern until I find out a way to make his wings open, and close as well. I'm going to sell him as a finished product as soon as I perfect the pattern. 
Here is a little hooded warbler I made.  I like him because he has pose-able legs, but I think I may have to change the pattern to make him look more like a warbler.

This peacock took a long time to make, but I still have to perfect the pattern.  His tail turned out a little lumpy and his wings aren't the greatest.

This lion was a little challenging, but I think he turned out OK.  I still have to make a lioness, which shouldn't be too difficult. ; )

I made this horse for my sister's birthday.  He was based on Secretariat.  I still have to figure out how I'm going to make his outfit and his rider.  Though he looks beautiful in this picture, it is not the perfected pattern. 


Here is the perfected pattern!  Also availible on my Etsy Shop!    

Where's Perry?

There he is!  Here is Perry the platypus.  Like Ezylrb, I finished him a couple months ago, but couldn't find the time to type up his pattern.

F hook
Teal yarn
Orange yarn
Brown yarn
Black yarn
8mm eyes
White felt
Thread and needle (optional)
Yarn needle

Body (use teal yarn)

1. ch 8 in ring-8
2. 3sc in first st, sc in next 2st, 3sc in next 2st, sc in next 2st, 3sc in last st-16
3. sc in first st, 3sc in next st, sc in next 4st, 3sc in next st, sc in next 2st, 3sc in next st, sc in next 4st, 3sc in next st, sc in last st-24
4-17. sc in each st around-24
18. sc in first st, sk 1, sc in next 2st, sk 1, sc in next st, sk 1, sc in next 4st, sk 1, sc in next st, sk 1, sc in next 2st, sk 1, sc in next st, sk 1, sc in next 4st, sk 1- 16
19. (sc in first st, sk 1) 3 times, sc in next 2st, (sk 1, sc in next st) 4 times-9
20. sk first st, slst in next st-F/O

Bill (mouth piece- use orange yarn)

1. ch 4 in ring-4
2. (3sc in next st, sc in next st) 2 times-8
3-4. sc in each st around-8
5. sc in next 3st, sc2tog, sc in last 3st-7
6. sc in first 2st, (ch3, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next ch, sc in next 2st), ch 3, sc in same st as last sc, sc in next st st, do ( to )-F/O

Arms (use teal yarn)

1. ch 5 in ring-5
2. sc in each st around-5
3. sc in first st, sk 1, sc in last 3st-4
4. sc in first st, 2sc in next st, sc in last 2st-5
5-7. sc in each st around-5 F/O

Legs (use orange and teal yarn)

1. ch 6 in ring-6
2. sc in each st around-6
3. sc in  first 2st, sk 1, sc in last 3st-5
4. (change to teal) BLO- sc in each st around-5
5-7. sc in each st around-5 F/O

Tail (use orange yarn)

1. ch 8 in ring-8
2. (3sc in first st, sc in next 3st) 2 times-12
3. sc in first st, 3sc in next st, sc in next 5st, 3sc in next st, sc in last 4st-16
4-9. sc in each st around-16
10. sc in next 3st, sk 1, sc in next 7st, sk 1, sc in last 4st-14
11-12. sc in each st around-14
13. sc in next 3st. sk 1, sc in next 6st, sk 1, sc in last 3st-12
14. sc in each st around-12 F/O

Cut a circle of white felt slightly bigger than the eyes; then place in back of eyes.  Place 8mm eyes in upper front of face.  With yarn needle and brown yarn, embroidery lines going across tail that form diamonds (see picture).  Sew on bill, arms, legs, and tail.  Use your hook to pull the three, black hairs through the top of his head. 

Perry the Platypus belongs to his original creators but this pattern belongs to me.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Ezylryb the Screech Owl

 Can you believe it, I finally did something!  (I've actually had him done for a while, it just took forever to type it up)
As good looking as Ezylryb gets I think he turned out looking- well, like Ezylryb.  But if you are going to make him, you should try to center the face more than I did. 

I like Ezylryb because he has so much more character then any of the other owls.

F hook
Redish-Brown Angel Hair yarn (or whatever works)
Grey/Brown Flecked yarn (or whatever works)
Tan yarn
Light grey yarn
Black yarn
Grey yarn
Tan and black felt
Needle and black thread
Green 15mm eyes

Head/Body (use reddish-brown yarn, F hook)

1. ch 6 in ring-6
2. 2sc in each st around-12
3. (sc in first st, 2sc in next st) around-12
4. (sc in first 2st, 2sc in next st) around-24
5. sc in first 5st, 2sc in next st, sc in next 13st, 2sc in next st, sc in last 4st-26 
6. sc in first 13st, 2sc in next st, sc in last 12st-27
7-11. sc in each sc around-27
12. sc in first 8st, 2sc in next st, sc in next 12st, 2sc in next st, sc in last 5st-29
13-15. sc in each st around-29
16. sc in first 3st, 2sc in next st, sc in next 8st, sk next st, sc in next 6st, sk next st, sc in next 8st, 2sc in last st-29
17-18. sc in each st around-29
19. sc in first 11st, sk next st, sc in next 11st, sk next st, sc in last 5st-27
20-21. sc in each st around-27
22. sc in next 13st, sk 1, sc in next 5st, sk 1, sc in last 7st-25
23. sc in first 12st, sk next st, sc in next 5st, sk next st, sc in last 6st-23
24. sc in first 9st, sk next st, sc in next 4st, sk next st, sc in next 4st, sk next st, sc in last 3st-20
25. (sc in next 4st, sk next st) around-16
26. (sc in next 3st, sk next st) around-12
27. (sc in next 2st, sk next st) around-8 slst in beg of next round F/O

Left Wing (use redish-brown yarn, grey/brown yarn, make 1 redish-brown and one grey/brown, F hook)  

(always sc in 2nd st from hook at beg of each round)

1. ch 7; turn, (FLO) sc across-62. ch 2, turn, sc in next 7st-7
3. ch 2, turn, sc in next 8st-8
4-7. ch 1, turn, sc in next 8st-8
8. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 7st-7
9-11. ch 1, turn, sc in next 7st-7
12. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 6st-6
13.  ch 1, turn, sc in next 6st-6
14.  ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 5st-5
15. ch 1, turn, sc in next 5st-5
16. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 4st-4
17. ch 1, turn, sc in next 2st, sc2tog-3
18. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 2st-2
19. ch 1, turn, sc2tog-1 F/O

Right Wing  (use reddish-brown yarn, grey/brown yarn, make 1 reddish-brown and one grey/brown, F hook)

(always sc in 2nd st from hook at beg of each round)

1. ch 7; turn, (FLO) sc across-6
2. ch 2, turn, sc in next 7st-7
3. ch 2, turn, sc in next 8st-8
4-7. ch 1, turn, sc in next 8st-8
8. ch 1, turn, sc in next 6st, sk 1, sc in last st-7
9-11. ch 1, turn, sc in next 7st-7
12. ch 1, turn, sc in next 5st, sk 1, sc in last st-6
13. ch 1, turn, sc in next 6st-6

14.  ch 1, turn, sc in next 4st, sk 1, sc in last st-5
15.  ch 1, turn, sc in next 5st-5

16. ch 1, turn, sc in next 3st, sk 1, sc in last st-4
17. ch 1, turn, sk 1, sc in next 3st-3 F/O
18.  ch 1, turn, sc in next st, sc2tog-2
19. ch 1, turn, sc2tog-1 F/O

Ears (use reddish-brown yarn, F hook, make 2)

1. ch 4 in ring-4
2. sc in each st around-4
3. (sc in first st, 2sc in next st) twice-6
4. sc in each st around-6
5. sc in first 2st, 2sc in next st, sc in next 2st, 2sc in last st-8
6-7. sc in each st around-8  F/O

Belly (use grey/brown yarn, F hook)

(always sc in 2nd st from hook at beg of each round)

1. ch 9, sc across-8
2. ch 1 sc across-8
3. ch 1, 2sc in first st, sc in next 6st, 2sc in last st-10
4-18. ch 1, sc across-10
19. sc in next 4st, sk 1, sc in last 5st-9
20. sc in next 4st, sk 1, sc in last 4st-8
21. sc in next 3st, sk 1, sc in last 4st-7
22. sc in next 3st, sk 1, sc in last 3st-6
23. sc in next 2st, sk 1, sc in next 3st-5
24. sc in next 2st, sk 1, sc in next 2st-4
25. sc2tog, twice-2 F/O

Face (use tan yarn, F hook)

1. ch 22, sk 2, hdc in next 7st, sc in next 6st, hdc in last 7st-20
2. ch 1, sc in next 5st, hdc in next st, sk 1, sc in next 6st, sk 1, hdc in next st, sc in last 5st-18
3. ch 1, sc in next 6st, sk 1, sc in next 4st, sk 1, sc in last 6st-16
4. ch 1, sk 1, sc in next 4st, (sc2tog) 4 times, s in next 2st, sc2tog-10
5. ch 1, sk 1, sc in next 2st, (sc2tog) 2 times, sc in next st, sc2tog-6

Legs (use grey/brown and grey yarn, F hook, make 2)

1. ch 4 in ring-4
2. sc in first 2st, 2sc in next st, sc in last st-5
3-4. sc in each st around-5
5. (change to grey) BLO- slst in next st, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and down, (slst in same st, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and down) twice, sc in next st, sk 1, slst in next st, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and down, slst in same st, sc in last st F/O

Tail (with reddish-brown and grey/brown yarn, F hook)

1. ch 9, sc across-8
2-6. ch 1, sc across-8
7. (change to grey/brown) In BLO, ch1, sc across-8
8-13. ch 1, sc across-8

Taking pictures of Ezylryb was a real challenge.  He kept falling out of the tree.  Once he even slid under a bunch of trees and I couldn't reach him.  He was all beat up and soaked!  So it's almost like he really did go through a war!

Put black felt around eyes then put eyes on face.  Embroidery on eyebrows, beak, and the black around face.  Sew on face, belly, ears, tail, and legs.  Sew wings tog then sew them onto sides. (I crocheted 3 black stripes on both wings and tail. You can add that if you want)  With thread, sew scar on eye lids.

Ezylryb the character belongs to Kathryn Lasky, but the pattern belongs to me